The Me-Me-Me attitude — A dilemma for the world

1 min readMar 15, 2018



Technology is more advanced than ever. People no longer use smartphones to communicate. Commuting has become easier like never before. No man is too poor now. But, something is missing. Something that multiplies joys and divides sorrows.

Yes, it is what you probably guessed, EMPATHY.

The self-centred attitude of people which demands no sacrifice and dedication to others is what has proved to be a fatal cause of breaking relationships, relationships of a lifetime like marriage, the greatest bond within two strangers.

People have become too busy in their own personal space to look out for others. It’s the I-Me-Myself attitude that they have adapted. It is not rightful to say , no-one cares. Some do indeed , and they are the ones who make the world go around. The better part of the world, however, seems to pay no heed to the grievances of their colleagues,neighbors or even friends.

This attitude must be dumped for the greater good. People should learn to appreciate, encourage and empathize.

"Be anybody who makes everyone feel like a somebody"

This , should be our maxim for life.

