Money — Is it really worth it?
Money is an asset in the world of trade and commerce. Without money there would not have been a way to measure development and progress. This materialistic facet which is being chased by all humans on earth and has brought about certain practises which sometimes take an unethical, illegal and damaging approach towards life of one and all. The evils that have been brought by money can be divided into — (A)Societal evils , (B)Professional level evil (B)Crimes
Often times, a vast majority of people generally representing the Middle and the lower classes of the society have to go through unwanted fiasco due to monetary issues. Moreover, they may even face immense stress and other health problems to such a point that they face death. In some situations a person’s life is on the line because of money. For an instance, an infamous evil of the Indian society — the dowry system has taken lives of a large numbers of innocent women and even to this day, a lot of lives are being ruined. Money has often caused chaos in the same household in cases of sibling rivalry where there is a constant competition of getting their parents to assign the most wealth to either of them.
Money is as much responsible for the development and progress as it is for bringing about downfall. Many people, especially high-ranking officials and other members of the society shift from the right track in lust for money and make use of ill-methods to obtain more money. Not only does this affect the life of the others but also it hinders development of the nation as sometimes development fund is misused by the officials and fake records are made.So, money is the root cause of corruption. Moreover, money has also ruined the education system as the deserved students are often not able to join premier institutions due to not being able to “donate” the additional money even after depositing the full fee. Here, potential and talent is often overthrown by power of money.
The last stage of evils of money is illegal and life-threatening actions such as trading illegal items such as drugs, killing humans for their valuable body parts to sell in the underground market, assassination,etc. A good number of innocent humans lose their life to human and other such trafficking rackets who kill for money. This is a very sad reality and this market for human slaves, human body parts, drugs is a million dollar market which is solely alive because some men choose money over morality.
So, we can conclude that even though money is a defining factor of today’s world, it has brought more despair to humans than development.